The Vintage MG Club
VMG was formed in November 1971 for the purpose of maintaining and promoting the use and enjoyment of the Vintage MG (pre-1956). Membership is open to all who subscribe to the precepts of the club. The club is affiliated with the New England MG T-Register, the National US section of the MG Car Club of England.
Membership is open to all who subscribe to the precepts of the club. The initial fee for new members is $14.50. Annual dues are $48.00 pro-rated during the year. The Club Year is from April 1 to March 31. For information and payment of dues, call or write:
Vintage MG Club of Southern California
Barbara Gallegos
6562 Caliente Rd.
Suite 101 {MB 281
Oak Hills, CA 92344
Technical Assistance
In keeping with the purpose and aims of our organization, aid may be obtained by contacting any of the following volunteers, most of whom are available during evening hours, and whose MG experience is extensive:
John Seim
949 786-5697
[email protected]
Jerry Felper
714 630-1074
[email protected]
Pete Thelander
714 892-0703
[email protected]
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM at Elk’s Lodge, 211 E. Chapman Ave, Orange, CA. 92866. Activities consist of a short business meeting, review of the club events calendar, a raffle with MG items as prizes, a technical program and opportunity to socialize with other members on matters MG. An extensive MG Regalia table offers collectables and souvenirs of MG goods. The librarian brings selected material from VMG’s extensive collection of MG literature.
The official club newsletter Octagon Topics is sent to all members each month and contains articles about club events, MG history, member’s cars, and thorough technical articles on a variety of MG subjects. Inputs may be submitted by e-mail to:
Visitors to the Vintage MG Club of Southern California’s website will find an array of information about the activities, events and history of the club. The “Members Only” section of the website provides members with access to the club’s extensive library catalog, current and previous issues of Octagon Topics and up-to-date listings of members and their cars.