From The Drivers Seat



Greetings, VMG’ers,

The Club is in good health with great participation by officers and at the monthly general meetings. Thank you to all of you that facilitate the meetings and keep us organized.

A red TC appeared last week at the Balboa Bay Club Car Show owned by a David Schockley. In looking for him, I found there is also a TC owner named Shockley that belongs to the TC Motoring Guild. I do not know if they are distant cousins but there must be something genetic there. I am often called Shockley but I tell them to get the ‘L’ out!

I am deep (literally and financially) into the engine rebuild for my 1935 MG PA Midget.







I am slowly getting everything cleaned, inspected and painted (as required). I also received all the parts that I need - I hope - mostly from England, though the new pistons were made in LA but purchased via Australia. I don’t think I have messed anything up yet. I  have not set a deadline but would like to have it back on the road for its 90th birthday in April, 2025.

The Dog Days of Summer are upon us.  May I be the man my dog thinks I am.

Chairman Dan

Dan Shockey













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